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Shadowscapes Tarot


She sets her staff before her, step by step to the top of the rise. The glow-globes wave lacy fronds on either side of the path. She remembers how a childhood friend called them wishes, and that to take one and blow myriad seeds to the wind would send that wish out. And the farther those seedlings traveled, the more power for truth and fulfillment they would gain.

She bends down to pluck one. With the puff of a breath, she sends the seedlings on their way. It is the ending of the lovely flower that blooms so delicately into elaborate spheres of ethereal beauty, but the beginning of a new growth. The seeds spin away on the wild winds - at the mercy of entropy but sailing with the purpose nature bestowed on them with the gift of gossamer filaments. Sail away and beyond, and then set down to grow to become a mighty tree!

The Eight of Wands is the beginning of a long journey towards a goal. A great undertaking is at hand, and it speeds towards reward with hope and momentum.